This program will invoke the Desktop Manager's Shutdown action. It's easier to instruct an operator or end-user to double-click on the Shutdown item that appears in a program group than to invoke the Desktop Manger and find the Shutdown item. I didn't compile the icon into the program to keep the size down and so it could be associated with a CMD file that invokes other actions that should occur at shutdown, backup or HLLAPI programs or whatever. I'm not happy with the shutdown program itself, as it relies on a hard-coded id that I uncovered using Spy. Shutmenu is my original attempt to build a more adaptable program, however it gets junk from the MM_QUERYITEM message when sent to the Desktop Manager. The exact problem is discussed more in the SHUTMENU code, which also contains a bit of debugging code to demonstrate what's not happening. I would appreciate any comments anybody has. The shutmenu.c file indicate how I might be contacted. I've only had the opportunity to run it on OS/2EE 1.2.